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Category: Adventure

The description of Swordigo

Swordigo is a fantasy role playing platform game, where the player must find his mentor by completing quests and defeating evil creatures. In Swordigo you are a young magician’s apprentice who sets out on a quest to save his master and the town from evil creatures. There are buttons for the basic controls used in the game which are: walk forward, walk back, jump, swing sword, pick up object and cast a spell. By using these controls the player must complete different levels by killing creatures, finding new locations and killing bosses.

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The player starts in the town, and as they go through each level a new location will open up on the map. The player can navigate to between these different locations by using portals. The portals also act as a save point in the game. This is where the player will return to if the character dies. Throughout the game you can collect coins which are hidden in barrels, chests and plants. In the town there is a shop where the player can use these coins to buy items such as swords and healing potions.

Highlight features of game Swordigo


• Precise touch controls optimized for smartphones and tablets.
• Fluid and challenging platforming gameplay designed specifically for mobile devices.
• Customize the controls to your preference.


• Find powerful weapons, items and spells to defeat your enemies.
• Venture into gloomy caves and dungeons to discover powerful hidden swords.


• Explore a magical realm of dungeons, towns, treasures and devious monsters.
• Gain experience and level up your character.