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Category: Productivity

The description of Productivity Challenge Timer

Productivity Challenge Timer App will "challenge" you to get higher performance. It can motivate you to work harder, by keeping track of your work habits and rating and ranking your performance. You will reach each higher level every time you make progress. The application allows you to create different projects without limitation, each project will have a time to do its own work. You can evaluate your performance best with the data provided by Productivity Challenge Timer.

Main features of Productivity Challenge Timer:

- PROJECTS: Adding projects you work on. In the case of the free version the number of projects is limited to 4.
- STATS: A variety of stats allowing you to deeply analyze your work habits and trends. You can view stats for different time periods like last week, month day or all-time stats.
- NO INTERRUPTIONS: You cannot pause a session, which is supposed to help you focus and work without interruptions.
- 7-DAY WEEK: The app doesn't recognize holidays or weekends and the averages it calculates are based on full weeks, which I think is a good thing.
- BACKUP: You can back up your data and restore it if you need.
- SETTINGS: The app offers many different settings and adjustments like work session duration, short and long break duration, vibrate and sound notifications etc.

A few things you should know before downloading:

- This app is in English only. No translations are planned for the foreseeable future.

- This is not an organizer. If you can't keep track of what you're supposed to be doing, this app is not for you. The app includes tracking of projects so you know how much time you spent working on each of your clients/books/websites/whatever - like a time sheet, but it's not meant to be an organizer or a to-do list.

- This app will not let you pause work sessions or finish them early, so if you have a tiny baby-sized bladder and you need to pause every few minutes, this app is not for you. The shortest work session you can set is 10 minutes and you're not supposed to be interrupted. Also because I use this app too, and I'd be the first to abuse that pause feature to go look up useless nonsense instead of getting work done.

- The purpose of this app is not to promote a healthy work-life balance, but to get you to work harder. Because of this, it does not recognize weekends or holidays or parenting or any other excuse to take time off, and it will demote you if you start slipping. Please don't expect the app to validate your goals, its sole purpose is to make you work harder, even when you shouldn't.

- If you want to use the app with the screen off, make sure it's been exempted from any battery saving apps/features your device may be using.


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